Albert Einstein - 2020 Digital Agency
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Albert Einstein

Ultimate automation... will make our modern industry as primitive and outdated as the stone age man looks to us today

— Albert Einstein

Have you noticed how Buy online, Pick up in store (BOPUS) is starting to show up everywhere in Retail? Do you now deposit checks into your bank account by sending a picture from your smartphone? Who still prints out an airline ticket? Anybody?

2020 bring deep experience to every client project, leveraging the full power of our multi-disciplined highly energised team to ensure meaningful customer experience and insights
at every brand touch point.

is your digital media in the stone age?

2020 Digital Agency is a full service e-commerce digital agency with design and digital marketing experts offering an unparalleled comprehensive service with the perfect blend of strategy with design, to get you the results you want! You will be pleasantly surprised with what you can achieve within your budget.
